Guitar hero 2 xplorer wont turn on
Guitar hero 2 xplorer wont turn on

guitar hero 2 xplorer wont turn on

The parts are the same on an Xplorer, so the instructions are similar for the buttons, but the strum bar mechanics were "improved" so the switches are a single unit, instead of the two switches from the PS2 Gibson SG controller. It's time to take out all the goodies from the PS2 guitar hero controller. The process of opening the guitar, and removing the buttons is very clearly spelled out HERE. Shamfully, I didn't take photos, so I ripped them out of other PS2 Guitar Hero mods on this site. I used Gorilla Glue, but you could use JB Weld, or shoegoo, or any other plastic holding mega glue with a warning label big enough. Hot glue gun, and at least 3 sticks of hot glue. Soldering Iron Solder Electrical Tape Phillips head screw drivers, of various sizes. Dremel Compatible Rotary Tool, with sanding discs. One Rock Band Fender Controller, that was never loved like it deserved. If I can do it, you can to! You will Need: One PS2 Gibson SG Controller, that is no longer loved.


I completed this mod in a few hours, in between binge drinking, and reading depressing political commentary blogs. This mod results in increased functionality for my Rock Band Controller: The new buttons are smooth and responsive, they are wired into the bottom fret buttons, allowing automatic hammer-ons, and the strum bar is reliable and consistent, and complete with clicky feel and sound. By cannibalizing a PS2 Guitar Hero Controller, I added all my favorite elements to my Xbox 360 Rock Band Controller: Raised buttons and mechanical switches for strum bar.

Guitar hero 2 xplorer wont turn on